God mancheste r FoodBan k - Octobe r 2022 The FoodBan k con ti nues to operat e and suppor t local people in f ood cris is dur ing these difficult times. We hav e had won derful suppo rt fro m chu rche s, s choo ls and others at Ha rvest time and we a re now looki ng ahead toward Ch ristmas and the wint er m o nths. Food sto ck d onations ar e still qui te good at the m omen t thanks to the gen erosity of local people but there is some red uc ti on in the amo unt s rec e ived fo r obvi ous reasons. Th ere are shortfalls in particular li nes but we h ave been able to u se cash donations to pur c ha se food and so maintai n service levels. There is a collectio n poi nt in the chur ch and othe r dona tions can be mad e at Tesco Extr a Sap ley and S ai nsbu ry Hun ti ngdon. Dona tions can be re cei ved at Godmanch ester B aptist Chu rch ONLY betwe en 10 am and 2 pm on Mon da y and agai n on Thur sday when the FoodBan k is open to clie nts . Thank you for you r supp o rt and I ho pe th at this wil l continue through these difficult times. Peter Levitt Admi nist r at or God man ch este r FoodB ank Phone : 07305062636 email : ad min@gbcf o  odb  a n k.or g.uk website : https://go  dma  nc  h  ester.fo  od  ba  nk.  o  rg.uk
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FoodBan k con ti nues to operat e and suppor t local people in f ood cris is dur ing these difficult times. We hav e had won derful suppo rt fro m chu rche s, s choo ls and others at Ha rvest time and we a re now looki ng ahead toward Ch ristmas and the wint er m o nths. Food sto ck d onations ar e still qui te good at the m omen t thanks to the gen erosity of local people but there is some red uc ti on in the amo unt s rec e ived fo r obvi ous reasons. Th ere are shortfalls in particular li nes but we h ave been able to u se cash donations to pur c ha se food and so maintai n service levels. There is a collectio n poi nt in the chur ch and othe r dona tions can be mad e at Tesco Extr a Sap ley and S ai nsbu ry Hun ti ngdon. Dona tions can be re cei ved at Godmanch ester B aptist Chu rch ONLY betwe en 10 am and 2 pm on Mon da y and agai n on Thur sday when the FoodBan k is open to clie nts . Thank you for you r supp o rt and I ho pe th at this wil l continue through these difficult times. Peter Levitt Admi nist r at or God man ch este r FoodB ank Phone : 07305062636 email : ad min@gbcf o  odb  a n k.or g.uk website : https://go  dma  nc  h  ester.fo  od  ba  nk.  o  rg.uk
God mancheste r FoodBan k - Octobe r 2022
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